PET/CT > Post Test
Post Test
All of the material covered in this test can be found on the previous pages. Answers are provided at the end of the test.
1) What is the cellular characteristic that most contributes to FDG accumulation in cancer cells?
2) While FDG PET targets neoplasms, increased uptake can also been seen in all the following processes except?
3) In comparing PET/CT to PET which on of the following is incorrect?
4) In regard to FDG PET imaging in 2007, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services provides reimbursement for all of the following indications except?
5) Which one of the following statements is not true regarding PET attenuation artifacts?
6) All of the following are true regarding Standard Uptake Values (SUVs) except?
7) Which of the following statements is false regarding FDG activity in the brain?
8) Which of the following tissues would be expected to have the lowest background FDG activity?
9) Which of the following is true regarding FDG PET and endogenous glucose?
10) To avoid false negative FDG PET results, what is the target range for serum glucose?
11) All of the following are potential artifacts which can mimic a malignancy on FDG PET-CT scan except?
12) In regards to brown fat, which statement is true?
13) A breast cancer patient isundergoing restaging FDG PET/CT 6 months after completion of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy and lumpectomy. New increased uptake is evident within several non adjacent vertebral bodies of the lumbar spine. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?
14) Patient with papillary thyroid cancer status post total thyroidectomy and two previous I-131 therapies returns for followup which reveals an elevated serum thyroglobulin level. I-131 diagnostic scan reveals no abnormal I-131 uptake. Which of the following would be the most appropriate next step?
15) Patient with history of sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma status partial resection and chemotherapy receives a restaging PET/CT. There is a segment of high FDG activity within the lumen of the caecum. Which best characterizes the finding?
16) Patient with fever and history of smoking has a LUL density on chest x-ray. CT thorax demonstrates a nodular focus of LUL air space disease and no mediastinal adenopathy. What is the best next course?