Imaging of the Cervical Spine > Fractures > Quiz


Regarding Jefferson fracture: (pick the incorrect response)

Jefferson fractrue is caused by compression force like smashing a cracker.
CT is usually not helpful.
The lateral masses of C1 are displaced laterally.
Jefferson fracture is unstable.
Jefferson fracture was not described by Thomas Jefferson.

Fractures of the odontoid (C2):

Are best seen on the lateral view as a lucent line through the odontoid.
CT is less helpful than plain tomograms.
Fractures through the base (type 2) have the best prognosis.
Soft tissue swelling may be the only sign.

Hangman's fracture is not:

Caused by hyperextension.
Best seen on AP view.
Fractures of the pars interarticularis bilaterally.

Flexion teardrop fracture: (pick the incorrect answer)

Involves disruption of posterior ligaments.
Involves anterior compression fracture.
May have spinous process fractures.
CT is better than lateral view.
Is unstable.

Bilateral facet dislocation: (pick the incorrect answer)

Results from hyperflexion.
Has low risk of cord compression.
Involves anterior dislocation of vertebral body by >= 1/2 body diameter.
Is unstable.
Has bow tie appearance of locked facets.

Unilateral facet dislocation: (pick the incorrect answer)

Is caused by flexion and rotation.
Involves anterior dislocation of vertebral body by <= 1/2 body diameter.
Could be better visualized by oblique views.
Is unstable.
Has bow tie appearance of locked facet.

Anterior subluxation .... (pick the incorrect answer)

Is due to disruption of posterior ligamentous complex.
Does not have delayed instability.
Involves fanning of interspinous distance.
Flexion and extension views are helpful.

Wedge fracture.... (choose the incorrect answer)

Results from extension.
Involves buckled anterior cortex.
Involves anterior superior fracture of vertebral body.

Burst fracture.... (choose the incorrect answer)

Is caused by compression force like smashing a cracker.
Commonly involves spinal cord injury.
CT is not helpful in this case.

Clay shoveler's fracture.... (choose the incorrect answer)

Is stable.
Is caused by hyperflexion.
Is best seen on lateral view.
Ghost sign means that it is not a fracture.

Your score is out of 10.
