GI Radiology > Colon > Quiz Answers

Colon Quiz Answers

1.  Hirschsprung's Disease is caused by dysfunctional neurons in the colon.


ANSWER: B, Hirschsprung's Disease is not caused by dysfunctional neurons.


2. Which of the following will be NOT be seen in Hirschsprung's Disease?

A. abdominal films with enormously distended intestines
B. barium enema with a transitional zone
C. CT with tightened anal sphincter

ANSWER: C, CT will not show a tightened anal sphincter.


3. Which of the following is Malrotation NOT associated with?

A. Ulcerative colitis
B. Intussusception
C. Intestinal atresia

ANSWER: A, Malrotation is not assocaited with ulcerative colitis.  


4.  Malrotation occurs if the midgut does not complete the 180-degree rotation prior to re-entering the abdominal cavity during weeks 25-30 of gestation.


ANSWER: B, Malrotation occurs if the midgut doesn't complete at 270 degree rotation.


5.  Which of the following statements is False?

A. Duplications may present with symptoms of obstructions, volvulus, and hemorrhage
B. Rectal duplications need to be resected because of the risk of malignant degeneration
C. Duplications can only be visualized with barium studies
D. Duplications may become complicated by infection

ANSWER: C, other imaging studies can show duplications as well.


6.  Ischemic colitis is usually caused by an arterial occlusion.


ANSWER: B, Ischemic colitis is usually NOT caused by an arterial occlusion.


7.  Chronic colonic colitis may cause segmental ischemic strictures resulting in obstructive signs and symptoms.


ANSWER: A, this is a true statement.


8. Which of the following is NOT associated with Crohn's Disease?

A. Skip lesions
B. Cobblestoning
C. Limited to the colon

ANSWER: C, Crohn's is not limited to the colon.


9. Which of the following is NOT associated with Ulcerative Colitis?

A. Bloody diarrhea
B. Transmural inflammation
C. Increased risk of colon cancer

ANSWER: B, Transmural inflammation is associated with Crohn's, not UC.



10.  45% of patients with colonic diverticuli have minor bleeding at some point in their life.


ANSWER: A, this is true, 45% of patients with colonic diverticuli do have minor bleeding at some point.


11.  Intussusception may be caused by any of the following EXCEPT:

A. Bacterial infection
B. tumor
C. Meckel's diverticulum
D. foreign body

ANSWER: A, Intussusception cannot be caused by bacterial infection.


12.  Small bowel obstruction is a rare phenomenon.


ANSWER: B, SBO is quite common.


13.  Intestinal obstruction may cause strangulation and impair blood flow to the bowel.


ANSWER: A, it is true that intestinal obstruction may cause strangulation and impair blood flow to the bowel.


14. Which of the following can be used to differentiate a paralytic ileus from a partial small bowel obstruction?

A. distended loops on plain film
B. dynamic air-fluid levels
C. patient's symptoms

ANSWER: B, dynamic air-fluid levels can differentiate these two.


15. Choose the INCORRECT statement about diverticula:

A. most occur in the sigmoid colon
B. most occur on the antimesenteric side of the colon
C. most are symptomatic

ANSWER: C, most are assymptomatic.


16. Which of the following IS associated with Diverticulitis:

A. often assymptomatic
B. palpable mass
C. therapy with antibiotics and high-fiber diet

ANSWER: B, diverticulitis is associated with a palpable mass.



17.  Patients with suspected toxic megacolon should have a barium study to confirm diagnosis.


ANSWER: B, Patients with suspected toxic megacolon should NOT have a barium study.


18.  Patients with toxic megacolon will not have bowel sounds or bowel movements, but continue to have peristalsis.


ANSWER: B, this is untrue.


19.  Volvulus is often a chronic disease with intermittent acute attacks.


ANSWER: A, it is true that volvulus is often a chronic disease with intermittent acute attacks.


20.  Sigmoid volvulus is more common than cecal volvulus.


ANSWER: A, it is true that sigmoid volvulus is more common than cecal volvulus.


21.  Amebic colitis is spread through fecally contaminated food/water.


ANSWER: A, it is true that amebic colitis is spread through fecally contaminated food/water.


22.  The pseudomembrane of pseudomembranous colitis is composed of sloughed mucosa and white blood cells.


ANSWER: A, it is true that the pseudomembrane is composed of sloughed mucosa and white blood cells.


23.  Which type of polyp is most likely to develop into cancer?

A. tubulovillous adenomatous
B. inflammatory
C. villous adenomatous
D. hyperplastic

ANSWER: C, villous adenomatous has the most malignant potential.


24.  The larger the polyp the higher the chances that it will become malignant.


ANSWER: A, it is true that the larger the polyp the higher the chances that it will become malignant.


25.  Hyperplastic polyps have no malignant potential.


ANSWER: A, it is true that hyperplastic polyps have no malignant potential.


26. 50% of colon cancers develop in where?

A. rectosigmoid area
B. cecum
C. transverse colon

ANSWER: A, half of colon cancers develop in the rectosigmoid area.


27.  Distal tumors are more likely to present with hematochezia than proximal.


ANSWER: A, it is true that distal tumors are more likely to present with hematochezia than proximal.


28.  Colon cancer can spread via

A. lymphatic spread
B. hematogenous spread
C. direct invasion into surrounding tissues
D. All of the above

ANSWER: D, colon cancer can spread by all of the above routes.


29.  Metastases are nearly impossible to differentiate from primary tumors on imaging.


ANSWER: A, it is true that metastases are nearly impossible to differentiate from primary tumors on imaging.


30.  Colorectal adenocarcinoma is the most common malignancy of the GI tract.


ANSWER: A, it is true that colorectal adenocarcinoma is the most common malignancy of the GI tract.