Descending Perineum Syndrome
The descending perineum syndrome is believed to be caused by diminished
tone in the muscles of the pelvic floor, elongated by years of repeated
straining in an effort to evacuate, and may eventually result in
denervation of the external anal sphincter by stretching of the pudendal
nerve branches.
It is a clinical condition in which the patient complains
of a sensation of obstruction of evacuation, mucous or bloody anal
discharge, a vague, dull, aching pain in the perineum, and eventually,
fecal incontinence.
Evacuation is sometimes achieved only by resorting to
maneuvers to aid emptying, such as digital removal of stool, direct
pressure on the perineum, or pressure on the vagina.
Defecography reveals abnormaly low pelvic floor position at rest. When a
straining effort is made, the pelvic floor descends more than 3.5 cm, and
the posterior rectal wall bulges posteriorly between the coccyx and the
anus. In some patients, there is an associated rectal intussusception or