The Modified Barium Swallow (cont.)

Observations Indicating Impaired Swallowing
1. Oral Preparatory Phase
- Drooling or loss of
food from the mouth due to impaired lip closure (impaired anterior containment)
- Collection of
material in the anterior and lateral sulci during mastication due to
reduced tone in cheek musculature
- Reduced range of
movement in lower jaw
- Reduced range,
shaping, or coordination of tongue movements
- Premature escape of
material from the mouth into the pharynx due to impaired
forward motion of the soft palate or impaired elevation of the back of the
2. Oral Phase
- Break-up of the
bolus or its irregular propulsion from the front of the mouth backward to
the pharynx due to impaired ability of the tongue to elevate and make
complete contact with the palate or to form a sequential wave from front
to back against the palate in order to strip the bolus completely and
smoothly towards the pharynx (impaired posterior containment)
3. Pharyngeal Phase
- Loss of the bolus
over the back of the tongue into the pharynx where it may collect in the
open valleculae, pyriform sinuses, or airway due to delayed triggering of
the neuromuscular sequence in the pharynx which permits the bolus to enter
the pharynx before the pharyngeal phase has been activated
- Reflux into the
nose due to reduced soft-palate closure
- Pooling of material
in the pharynx, valleculae, and/or pyriform sinuses after the swallow due
to weak pharyngeal peristalsis by the pharyngeal constrictor muscles
- Passage of the
bolus down only one side of the pharynx due either to a mass on the
contralateral side or to paralysis of the ipsilateral side
- Slow, reduced, or
absent elevation of the larynx (watch the hyoid bone)
- Failure of the
epiglottis to fold over the opening to the airway
- Aspiration of
barium into the subglottic trachea due to failure of the vocal cords to
fully adduct during swallowing
- Delayed opening,
incomplete opening, or premature closure of the UES due to cricopharyngeus
muscle dysfunction