Pediatric Radiology > Abdominal > Neonatal > Necrotizing Enterocolitis - Introduction
Necrotizing Enterocolitis - Introduction
enterocolitis is the most common acquired gastrointestinal emergency
of premature infants. It occurs less frequently in older children who are under great
stress (e.g., congenital heart disease). Necrotizing entercolitis is related to infection
and ischemia, commonly affecting the ileum and acending colon. It usually
presents during the first or second week of life with bloody stools (50%),
explosive diarrhea, bilious emesis, mild respiratory distress, generalized
sepsis, distention of the abdomen, and feeding difficulties. It requires an immature gut and time for gut to become
colonized in order to develop. These patients typically have been fed. The treatment is bowel rest and antibiotics
and surgery for bowel perforation. |