Pediatric Radiology > Chest > Respiratory Neonatal Distress > Surgical Respiratory Neonatal Distress

Surgical Respiratory Neonatal Distress

Previously, mass lesions in the chest presented postnatally and were diagnosed with the help of the postnatal CXR. Currently, with the widespread use of prenatal OB US, many chest mass lesions are discovered prior to birth. Prenatal MRI can be helpful in working up the chest mass. Regardless of the prenatal imaging, chest masses will be evident on the postnatal CXR.

Chest masses can result in mass effect and shift of the mediastinum. This will result in airway compromise and pulmonary hypoplasia. Additionally, mass effect on the esophagus can result in decreased swallowing and polyhydramnios. The mass effect may be severe enough to limit venous return to the heart and significantly decrease cardiac output.

Etiologies of Surgical Neonatal Respiratory Distress

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation

Congenital Lobar Emphysema
