Pediatric Neurology Quiz Part II Answers

Question 1: All of the following are true except ... Imaging findings in CNS infections in children differ from adults because the brain is not typically completely myelinated until approximately 16 years of age.

Question 2: Supratentorial ependymomas in children ... Are typically extraventricular within brain parenchyma.

Question 3: The most frequent tumor in the pineal region is ... Germinoma.

Question 4: The four most common posterior fossa masses in children include all of the following except ... Gangliocytoma.

Question 5: Intracranial calcifications seen in Sturge-Weber syndrome are ... Vascular calcifications from a slow flow state.

Question 6: Most patients with neurofibromatosis 2 present as newborns with multiple nerve sheath tumors. - False

Question 7: The most common imaging finding in neurofibromatosis 1 are NF1 spots in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, brainstem, and splenium that typically regress after age 12. - True

Question 8: An optic glioma is pathognomonic for having NF1. - False

Question 9: Bilateral acoustic schwannomas are pathognomonic for NF2. - True

Question 10: Glial tumors in the cerebral hemispheres can be accurately graded by imaging characteristics. - False