Radiobiology > Biologic Interactions > Quiz


Question: Which of the following is/are TRUE?

A. For LET greater than 100 keV/um, one may observe a DECREASE in Relative Biologive Effectiveness.
B. Double strand DNA breakage is maximal at a LET of 100 keV/um, since the spacing of ionizing events approximates the diameter of a DNA double helix.
C. 300 KeV neutrons, low energy protons, and low energy alpha particles have LET near 100 keV/um.
D. A and B only.
E. A, B, and C.

Question: Which of the following is FALSE?

A. D0, the slope of the cell survival curve where it is linear, represents the radiosensitivity of a cell population.
B. D0 for oxygenated mammalian cells is 1.5 Gy (150 rads).
C. The quasi-threshold dose (Dq) is the sublethal dose and may be extrapolated from a cell survival curve.
D. Lymphocytes have a high capacity for repair of sublethal damage, as compared with jejunal crypt cells.
E. The shoulder of the cell survival curve demonstrates an ability of clonagens to sustain sublethal damage for low doses of a specific type of radiation.

Question: Which of the following are invariably lethal to the proband?

A. Symmetric translocations, ring chromosomes, dicentric chromosomes, and anaphase bridging
B. Ring chromosomes, dicentric chromosomes, and anaphase bridging
C. Deletions of any size, Ring chromosomes, dicentric chromosomes, and anaphase bridging
D. Irradiation during late S-phase of mitosis.

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