- Step 1: Remember that number 1 is caudate lobe
- Step 2: Draw a rectangle and divide it into
eight boxes like below:
- Step 3: Then, start from the
rightmost upper box and label "2" and proceed clockwise in increasing numerical
order. When
you come to number 4, you should count out loud "4A and 4B" and then move on to 5, 6,
7, 8...
- Step 4: Study the hepatic vasculatures
below. These vessels will help you divide the liver into segments.
- Step 5: Study the superimposed image
below. Note that the four upper boxes are separated by left,
middle, and right hepatic veins. In the four lower boxes, note
that the right anterior portal vein goes into box 5 whereas the right
posterior portal vein goes into box 6. Box 5 and 4b are separated
by the gall bladder. Box 4b and box 3 are separated by ligamentum
teres and falciform ligament (not shown).