of Liver Imaging
- Indications for Liver MRI
- Patients are allergic to iodinated
contrast agents
- Lesion detection & characterization
- Anatomic location
- Hepatic vascular patency
- Biliary duct system
- MRI has many advantages over CT: high
soft tissue contrast resolution (can see smaller lesions), multiple
sequences, multiplanar capability, MRA, MRV, MRCP, no radiation, no
iodinated contrast�etc.
- However, MRI is similar to CT in that it
has the same dynamic multiphase contrast enhancement capability.
- MRI can be helpful in the
characterization of a small (< 2 cm) benign hemangioma that is equivocal
on CT.
- A wide range of MRI sequences is
available for liver imaging thanks to the numerous manipulations of
field strength, pulse sequence, and interdependent sequence parameters
which can affect image quality. Since there is little agreement
on the best technique, MRI sequences are often unique to the
institution. At UVa, we use the following:
- Breath hold T1 spoiled gradient echo
(In phase and out of phase): can be used to detect fatty liver, fat in
HCC, focal fatty infiltration/sparing, adrenal adenomas.
- Breath Hold T2: can be used to
evaluate hemangiomas and cysts.
- Turbo spin echo with fat sat or STIR
- HASTE -Half Fourier acquisition single
shot turbo spin echo
- Dynamic Gad T1 (Arterial, portal
venous, delayed, timing bolus, or smart prep): can be used to
characterize hypervascular lesions.
- For most techniques, the
intensity of normal liver parenchyma is the same as or slightly higher
than that of adjacent muscle. Normally, the liver should be
brighter than (hyperintense to) the spleen on T1-weighted images and
darker than (hypointense to) the spleen on T2-weighted images.