PostOperative Cholangiography (cont.)
A sterile, water-soluble contrast
agent is drawn into a 60-ml syringe using sterile technique.
All air bubbles in the contrast must be expelled from the syringe. The
syringe is connected to a plastic extension tubing without a stopcock.
The syringe and extension tubing are filled completely with the contrast
agent, being careful to expel all of the air. The extension tube is
clamped with a Kelly clamp or a plastic slide.
The patient is positioned supine on the fluoroscopic table.
The t-tube is clamped with a Kelly clamp,
which has protective rubber tubing fitted over its teeth to prevent
injury to the t-tube.
The bile bag is removed and set aside for reconnection to the t-tube
after the procedure.
- The
contrast-filled syringe is attached to the t-tube by the extension
tubing. Often a 15-gauge blunt needle or a Christmas-tree adapter must
be used as a connector between the two. (Alternatively, the connection can be made with a 21-gauge needle on the extension tubing being passed obliquely through the t-tube wall.)