Gastrointestinal Radiology > Procedures > Foreign Bodies > Foreign Bodies (3)

Treatment of Food Impactions And Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus

The Algorithm

Our algorithm for managing foreign bodies in the esophagus is based on two considerations - the location of the foreign body and its characteristics (magnetism, shape, and sharpness of its edges).  The algorithm is organized into a logical sequence that proceeds from the less invasive and cheaper methods to the more invasive and expensive ones.

Table 1.  Algorithm for managing esophageal foreign bodies.  (Modified from Shaffer HA Jr, de Lange EE.  Diagnosis and treatment of food impactions and foreign bodies in the esophagus.  In Taveras JM, Ferrucci JT (eds).  RADIOLOGY: Diagnosis/Imaging/Intervention.  Philadelphia.  J. B. Lippincott Co., 1994, Volume 4, Chapter 15B, pp 1-11.  Reproduced by permission.)