Small Bowel Follow-Through (cont.)

The Barium - Its Preparation and
- The barium sulfate suspension for SBFT
must have a density high enough to provide good mucosal coating and avoid
flocculation while being transradiant enough to allow detailed evaluation
of the mucosa. We use a cup of flat "bubbly barium", followed by 33% W/V
suspension of Sol-O-Pake (E-Z-EM Co., Inc., Westbury, NY). This is
prepared by adding 1 cup of barium sulfate to 600 ml of water).
- The barium suspension is prepared using
cold tap water or is chilled overnight in a refrigerator before being
administered to the patient. Cooling makes it more palatable. More
importantly, cold barium speeds gastric emptying and passes more rapidly
through the intestine than does room-temperature barium.
- When the small bowel study follows a UGI series, the patient may have already
been given glucagon IV as part of our routine biphasic-contrast
examination. Interestingly, this is no problem because glucagon, after
initially paralyzing the bowel (for about 5 minutes), seems to have a
rebound effect, speeding transit of the barium through the small intestine.
- We have the patient ingest a total of 16 - 20 ounces (480 - 600 ml) of
barium suspension. The large volume improves gastric emptying and gives
more uniform filling of intestinal loops.
- There are two main benefits to be gained
by giving the patient a large volume of chilled barium:
- The diagnostic yield of the
small bowel examination is improved. The more uniform filling of long
segments of bowel reduces the possibility that a lesion will be passed
by the barium between sequential films and go undetected. Better small
bowel distention allows easier detection of partial obstruction and tiny