GI Radiology > Small Bowel > Disease Patterns > Small Bowel Obstruction
Structural Abnormalities
Small Bowel Obstruction
Radiographic - Plain Film
- Supine
- Distended loops of bowel
- Valvulae conniventes are present
- "Stepladder" pattern
- Variable amount of gas in colon depending on severity and duration of obstruction
- Gasless abdomen will be seen if distended loops are fluid-filled
- Erect / Lateral Decubitus Plain Film
- "String of pearls" sign from small collections of air
- Air-fluid levels
- Differential levels - air-fluid levels are at different heights
- Closed-loop obstruction - entrapment of a loop of bowel by obstruction (can occur with adhesions, hernias, volvulus)

Supine abdominal plain film demonstrates dilated loops of small bowel from an inguinal hernia.