GI Radiology > Small Bowel > Functional Abnormalities > Scleroderma
Functional Abnormalities
Scleroderma |
Clinical Scleroderma is a
connective tissue disorder that attacks smooth muscle, causing smooth muscle
atrophy and connective tissue replacement. Approximately 90% of patients with
scleroderma demontrate GI tract involvement. Clinical manifestations include
GERD, esophageal strictures, ad impaired peristalsis throughout the GI tract.
Small bowel involvement never precedes skin and esophageal
changes. (Diagnosis is almost
always already known when small bowel findings are discovered.) Radiological Fluoroscopy is the most
sensitive evaluation for small bowel manifestations of scleroderma. Upper GI
studies may demonstrate esophageal erosions and strictures. Fuoroscopic
findings in the small bowel incude:
Diagram demonstrating the various fluoroscopic presenteations of scleroderma. |