GI Radiology > Small Bowel > Structural Abnormalities

Structural Abnormalities


Diverticula are focal defects in bowel wall, produced by weakness in the muscular layers. True diverticula involve all three mucular layers of the bowel wall. Muscular weakness causes a focal dilatation or “outpouching” that contains all of the muscular layers. In contrast, false diverticula entail the herniation of the mucoasa through muscular defects. These diverticula do not contain all three muscular layers.

Diverticula occur anywhere along the GI tract, occurring most often in the colon and esophagus. In the small bowel, the duodenum is the most common site, occurring much less commonly in the jejunum and ileum. Jejunal diverticula may be multiple and large, often associated with bacterial overgrowth. Ileal divericula are usually located in terminal ileum. They may be multiple, but contrary to jejunal diverticula, they are usually small.

Complications are rare, especially in jejunal and ileal diverticula. They include diverticulitis, enterolith formation, hemorrhage, and perforation.

Diverticulosis - Upper GI with SBFT of patient
with diverticulosis (arrows) of small bowel.
