Radiobiology > Physical Processes > Quiz Answers

Quiz Answers

1) A:

Note that 100 MeV is a high-energy photon! This favors pair production, especially in a high Z atom (calcium has a relatively high atomic number for atoms of biologic tissues). By contrast, Compton scatter is important in intermediate energy photons - from hundreds of KeV to 10 MeV, and photoelectric absorption is favored in lower energy interactions.

For a more in-depth introductory treatment of radiation interaction with matter, see Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology. 2005. 33(1). 3-18.

2) D.  (False) 

Neutrinos are small, neutral particles that are important in minor energetic changes of radioisotopes. Neutrinos have no radiobiological significance.

3) C.  (Alpha particle) 

Alpha particle = naked helium nucleus, which contains two protons. A beta particle and electron have the same charge, and a gamma ray has no charge or mass.

4) C