Radiobiology > In Utero Exposure > Pregnancy Case Scenarios
Case Scenario – Pulmonary Embolism
A pregnant woman develops progressive dyspnea and tachypnea after a period of prolonged bed rest. Give the expected radiation dose to the fetus for various studies utilized in the workup of pulmonary embolism.
(AJR 2006;186:871-876. Br J Rad 2006;79:441-444. Radiology 2002; 224:487-492)
External shielding during CT?
The decision on whether to shield the uterus during CT must weigh the expected exposure from internal scatter against the expected external exposure from tube-housing and collimeter leakage. Unlike external sources of radiation, internal scatter would not be affected by the use of external shielding; instead, one theorectial concern is for back scatter off the lead apron itself and thus redirection of radiation towards the fetus.