- Pathogenesis:
- A reversible process in which
triglyceride accumulates diffusely in hepatocytes causing abnormal
appearance on imaging. Normally, less than 5% of the liver is composed
of fat. In diffuse fatty infiltrated liver, fat can make up to 50% of
the liver tissue.
- Commonly seen in acute or chronic alcohol abuse (most
common), obesity, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, tetracycline, steroids, chemotherapy,
malnutrition, and hyperalimentation.
- Clinically, patients are asymptomatic.
Liver can be enlarged but without splenomegaly.
- Removal of offending agents reverses the
- Radiographic findings:
- U/S: the liver has increased focal or
diffuse echogenicity when compared to the surrounding organs such as the
- Noncontrast CT: the liver looks
hypodense to the spleen due to fatty infiltration, making the hepatic vasculature more prominent.