GI Radiology > Liver > Infection > Echinococcal Abscess

Hepatic Infections

Echinococcal abscess

  1. Pathogenesis:
  • Dogs are the main intermediate hosts of hydatid disease.
  • Eggs get ingested, hatch in the stomach and duodenum, travel to the liver via portal venous drainage, encyst in the liver and grow slowly.
  • The cysts can exert mass effect on the surrounding liver and biliary system. The right lobe of the liver is most commonly involved.
  • The cysts can rupture into the pleural cavity, peritoneal cavity, alimentary canal, or biliary tree, causing profound shock, peritonitis, and anaphylaxis.
  1. Radiographic findings:
  • U/S: double-layered cyst, "classic" double-line sign, water lily sign, racemose.

  • CT: may see calcified wall, membrane separation, dependent debris, and/or focal areas of increased attenuation within the cysts (arrows).