GI Radiology > Liver > Infection > Fungal Abscess

Hepatic Infections

Fungal Abscess

  1. Pathogenesis:
  • Lesions are usually small and multiple. Spleen is also frequently involved.
  • Common in immunosuppressed patients.
  • Mostly caused by Candida. Next in line would be pneumocystic carinae, CMV, mycobacteria.
  • Also watch out for Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma.
  1. Radiographic findings:
  • CT: multiple, small, hypodense lesions.

Fungal Abscess
Fungal Abscesses (CT) - Abdominal CT of patient shows numerous abscesses (red arrows) later confirmed to be fungal.

Fungal Abscess
Fungal Abscess (US) - Ultrasound of liver showing hypoechoic region of fungal abscess.