In general, the technique of fluoroscopically
guided balloon dilation is the same for most strictures of the
gastrointestinal tract. Before
the procedure, a contrast-enhanced study is obtained to visualize
the stricture. We
prefer to use a barium suspension as contrast medium because it
usually allows better delineation of the stricture than does a
water soluble contrast agent.
Premedication with analgesic and/or sedative generally
makes the patient more comfortable during the procedure.
In cases in which the oral passage of the catheters is
necessary, the patient's throat is sprayed with a topical
anesthetic. Salivary
secretions can be reduced with atropine sulfate or removed by
means of continuous oral suctioning.
A shortened 10 to 14 French feeding tube
(Argyle, St. Louis, MO) is passed into the gut until it reaches
the stricture. An
angiographic guide wire is then inserted through the feeding tube
and advanced under fluoroscopic control to cross the stricture.
It is recommended that a guide wire with a J-shaped tip be
used in most circumstances. In
those instances, when the center of the stricture is not in the
longitudinal axis of the gut but is at an angle, or when there are
multiple strictures it may be necessary to manipulate the feeding
catheter or use a curved angiographic catheter to direct the wire
into the orifice of the stricture.
The guide wire needs to be advanced well beyond
the stricture to provide a stable purchase for catheter exchange.
Then the feeding tube/catheter is removed and a Gruntzig-type
polyethylene balloon catheter (Medi-tech, Watertown, MA.) is
advanced over the guide wire.
The diameter of the chosen balloon depends on the diameters
of both the stricture and the adjacent normal gut.
Generally, the dilation of very narrow strictures is
initiated with a small balloon.
If partial dilation is easily achieved, the procedure is
continued with balloons of larger diameter until the desired
result is achieved.
To dilate the stricture, the balloon is positioned so that its
midportion straddles the narrowing.
The balloon is inflated under fluoroscopic control with
water soluble contrast medium [diatrizoate meglumine (Renografin
30%, Bracco Diagnostics,Inc., Princeton, NJ)] to opacify its
lumen. As the balloon
begins to inflate, a waist-like contour is usually noted at its
middle. This appearance corresponds to the stricture.
The balloon is slowly inflated until the "waist"
disappears. In many
cases, it may not be possible to stretch the stricture completely
at the first inflation. In
these cases, the balloon is inflated until resistance is felt.
This inflation pressure is maintained for 30-180 seconds
and monitored by an in-line pressure gauge.
After the initial dilation, the balloon is deflated for
approximately one minute and subsequently reinflated for
additional 30-180 second periods.
Inflation is repeated as many times as necessary
to obtain full distention of the stricture.
With each inflation, the balloon pressure is increased by
small increments (usually 1 atmospheres) until either maximum
distention or balloon pressure tolerance (about 3 atmospheres in
the larger balloons) is achieved.
In our experience, performing multiple balloon inflations
with small incremental increases in pressure during the course of
the procedure is preferable to dilating the stricture with one
balloon inflation to maximum pressure.
We believe that the latter method significantly increases
the risk of perforation increases.
During each inflation, the balloon is watched
fluoroscopically to ascertain that no complications are occurring.
When maximum distention of the gut is achieved
and the stricture is maximally dilated, the balloon is deflated,
and the guide wire withdrawn.
The total number of inflations during each procedure varies
but may range from 3 to 5. Then
the wire is withdrawn, and the balloon catheter is withdrawn
slightly from the stricture.
Barium suspension is injected under fluoroscopic control
through the central lumen to determine the presence or absence of
a possible leak or laceration. Frequently, the stricture appears unchanged in appearance
from the preprocedural barium examination; however, the clinical
response of the patient is the most important factor in
determining the ultimate success or failure of the procedure.
A complicating perforation that occurs during
the procedure may be suggested by an abruptly disappearing
"waist" on the balloon and a sudden drop of the inflation
pressure. When such a
complication is suspected, the balloon is immediately deflated,
and the guide wire that was still present in the central lumen of
the balloon is removed. The
balloon is then slightly withdrawn so that the tip is just above
the stricture and suspected leak.
Water soluble contrast medium is then injected through the
central lumen of the balloon catheter to search for the possible
leak. If no leak is demonstrated, the contrast study is immediately
repeated using a dilute barium suspension.
Suspected leaks of the gut below the diaphragm are
evaluated only with water soluble contrast medium because of the
lower incidence of complications if spillage occurs into the
abdominal cavity.
When carefully performed, the risk of a
perforation occurring during a fluoroscopically controlled balloon
dilation is very low. In
our experience with more than 900 patients, we have had
complications in fewer than 2% of cases.
In most of these cases, minor mucosal tears were seen on
the postprocedure barium examination, and only one patient
required surgical treatment.
The risk of perforation is higher with endoscopically
performed balloon dilations and is reported to range between
0.9-5%. Because a postprocedure barium examination is usually not
obtained after an endoscopically guided dilation, the actual
number of tears is unknown, but it is probably much higher than is
reported, as only the patients with significant perforation come
to the physician's attention.
Since a fluoroscopically guided dilation procedure can be
more carefully monitored, it has clearly a major advantage over
the endoscopic method.