Double Contrast (Air Contrast) Barium Enema (cont.)
- Modification #1. (To follow Step #4 if
barium has not reached the ascending colon.) Turn the patient 360 degrees in each
direction. When the patient is again prone, take another look. If barium
is now in the ascending colon, proceed to Step #5; if not, go to
Modification #2. (NOTE: Do not insufflate additional air at this point, as it will
likely produce an air-lock in the cecum.)
- Modification #2. (To follow a failed
Modification #1) Pour one liter of thin (dilute) barium into the enema
bag. Use this thin barium as a plunger to push the thicker,
double-contrast barium into the ascending colon. After the head of the
barium column reaches the ascending colon, return to Step #5, above Then,
proceed with the subsequent steps as usual.