Double Contrast (Air Contrast) Barium Enema (cont.)
Radiographs (to be obtained by the
- PA view of colon to include rectum -
perpendicular central ray - 14" x 17" cassette
- 15° RAO view of rectosigmoid with 35° caudad central ray - 14" x 17"
- 20° RPO view of colon to include splenic flexure and descending colon -
14" x 17"
- 45° LPO view of colon to include hepatic
flexure and ascending colon - 14" x 17"
- 15° LPO view of rectosigmoid with 35° cephalad central ray on 14" x 17"
- Right lateral decubitus view of colon to include rectum on 14" x 17"
(After #6, turn patient through the prone position to obtain #7.)
- Left lateral decubitus view of colon to include rectum on 14" x 17" cassette
(Before taking this film, deflate rectal balloon, add two pumps of air to
rectum, and remove enema tip.)
- Lateral rectum with horizontal beam
(cross-table) with patient prone on 10" x 12" cassette
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