GI Radiology > Small Bowel > Neoplasms > Carcinoid




CT is essential in the evaluation of carcinoid tumors. While less sensitive than fluoroscopy at evaluating the mucosal surface, it is far more effective at evaluating the extent of bowel wall involvement and size of extraluminal mass.  In addition, extraintestinal spread into the adjacent soft tissues can be seen, as well as metastatic spread to the mesentery, lymph nodes, and liver. As discussed before, mesenteric metastases are often larger than the primary tumor, appearing as a stellate, calcified mass with associated desmoplastic reaction. Liver metastases are usually hypervascular, most prominent in the early arterial phase of contrast enhancement.



Carcinoid tumor.  CT (left) demonstrates a large hyperdense mesenteric mass. Magnification of the mass (right) clearly shows the stellate calcifications that are often seen in advanced carcinoid tumors.