Head CT > Degenerative > Quiz
1. True or False: Alzheimer's disease affects >65% of patients with known dementia.
2. Choose from the following: The process responsible for Alzheimer's disease begins focally in the _______________.
3. True or False: Imaging is typically used to rule in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
4. Choose from the following: On coronal T1-weighted MRI, one might see which of the following structures atrophied in an Alzheimer's disease patient?
5. Choose from the following: Which of the following structures will show metabolic sparing on FDG PET of an individual with Alzheimer's disease?
6. True or False: It is estimated that in the U.S. 1 in 100 persons over the age of 60 has Parkinson's disease.
7. Choose from the following: In addition to the substantia nigra, what other structure listed among the following will show neuronal loss in Parkinson's disease?
8. True or False: On axial T2-weighted MRI, decreased width of the pars compacta may be evident in patients with Parkinson's disease.
9. Choose from the following: On PET imaging using 6-fluorodopa in a patient with Parkinson's disease, decreased uptake is most evident in the __________.
10. True or False: FDG PET imaging in Parkinson's disease shows diffuse cortical hypometabolism most marked in the parietooccipital cortex.
11. Choose from the following: Huntington's disease is a genetically linked disorder with autosomal ____________ inheritance and __________ penetrance.
12. True or False: Huntington's disease is characterized by the selective degeneration of medium sized spiny neurons within the striatum.
13. Choose from the following: On CT, Huntington's disease appears as _________________________________.
14. Choose from the following: To a lesser extent, what additional structure may exhibit atrophy on imaging in Huntington's disease?
15. True or False: FDG PET in Huntington's disease may only reveal hypermetabolism in the caudate nucleus.
16. Choose from the following: Pick's disease is the ________ most common neurodegenerative cortical dementia.
17. True of False: Pick's disease is a tauopathy that only affects the frontal lobe.
18. Choose from the following: On MRI in Pick's disease, one might observe which of the following?
19. Choose from the following: SPECT imaging in the frontal variant of Pick's disease may reveal hypoperfusion defects in the ______________.
20. True of False: Individuals with a neurodegenerative disease will become more common throughout your future medical career.