Head CT > Degenerative > Quiz Answers

Quiz Answers

1.  True or False: Alzheimer's disease affects >65% of patients with known dementia.

>>True (explanation)

2.  Choose from the following: The process responsible for Alzheimer's disease begins focally in the _______________.

A. parietal lobes

B. occipital lobes

>>C. fronto/temporal lobes (explanation)

3.  True or False: Imaging is typically used to rule in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

>>False (explanation)

4.  Choose from the following: On coronal T1-weight MR, one might see which of the following structures atrophied in an Alzheimer's disease patient?

A. cerebral peduncles

B. cerebellar vermis

>>C. parahippocampal gyrus (explanation)

5.  Choose from the following: Which of the following structures will show metabolic sparing on FDG PET of an individual with Alzheimer's disease?

>>A. basal ganglia (explanation)

B. amygdala

C. hippocampus

6.  True or False: It is estimated that in the U.S. 1 in 100 persons over the age of 60 has Parkinson's disease.

>>True (explanation)

7.  Choose from the following: In addition to the substantia nigra, what other structure listed among the following will show neuronal loss in Parkinson's disease?

A. red nucleus

>>B. ventral tegmentum (explanation)

C. hypoglossal nucleus

D. none of the above

8.  True or False: On axial T2-weighted MRI, decreased width of the pars compacta may be evident in patients with Parkinson's disease.

>>True (explanation)

9.  Choose from the following: On PET imaging  using 6-fluorodopa in a patient with Parkinson's disease, decreased uptake is most evident in the __________.

A. cingulate gyrus

B. habenula

C. fornix

>>D. putamen (explanation)

10. True or False: FDG PET imaging in Parkinson's disease shows diffuse cortical hypometabolism most marked in the parietooccipital cortex.

>>False (explanation)

11. Choose from the following: Huntington's disease is a genetically linked disorder with autosomal ____________ inheritance and __________ penetrance.

A. recessive; complete

B. dominant; incomplete

C. recessive; incomplete

>>D. dominant; complete (explanation)

12. True or False: Huntington's disease is characterized by the selective degeneration of medium sized spiny neurons within the striatum.

>>True (explanation)

13. Choose from the following: On CT, Huntington's disease appears as _________________________________.

>>A. Decrease in the convexity of the caudate heads bilaterally. (explanation)

B. Decrease in the relative volume of the lateral ventricles.

C. Both A and B.

D. Neither A nor B.

14. Choose from the following: To a lesser extent, what additional structure may exhibit atrophy on imaging in Huntington's disease?

A. cingulate gyrus

B. mammilary bodies

>>C. putamen (explanation)

D. massa intermedia

15. True or False: FDG PET in Huntington's disease may only reveal hypermetabolism in the caudate nucleus.

>>False (explanation)

16. Choose from the following: Pick's disease is the ________ most common neurodegenerative cortical dementia.

A. second

>>B. third (explanation)

C. fourth

D. Pick's disease is not a common neurodegenerative cortical dementia.

17. True of False: Pick's disease is a tauopathy that only affects the frontal lobe.

>>False (explanation)

18. Choose from the following: On MRI in Pick's disease, one might observe which of the following?

A. widening of the Sylvian fissure

B. atrophy of the inferior frontal and superior temporal lobes

C. sulcal prominence

D. enlargement of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles

>>E. all of the above (explanation)

19. Choose from the following: SPECT imaging in the frontal variant of Pick's disease may reveal hypoperfusion defects in the ______________.

A. anterolateral temporal lobe

>>B. ventromedial frontal region (explanation)

C. hippocampal formation

D. none of the above

20. True of False: Individuals with a neurodegenerative disease will become more common throughout your future medical career.
