Chest Radiology > Interpretation > How to read a CXR
to Read a Chest X-Ray
Turn off stray lights, optimize room lighting, view images in order Patient Data (name history #, age, sex, old exams) Routine Technique: AP/PA, exposure, rotation, supine or erect Trachea: midline or deviated, caliber, mass Lungs: abnormal shadowing or lucency Pulmonary vessels: artery or vein enlargement Hila: masses, lymphadenopathy Heart: thorax: heart width > 2:1 ? Cardiac configuration? Mediastinal contour: width? mass? Pleura: effusion, thickening, calcification Bones: lesions or fractures Soft tissues: don't miss a mastectomy ICU Exams: identify tubes first and look for pneumothorax
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